These Party Ribs are Amazing! I would highly recommend you try them if you never have, or if you had for that matter. They are Smoked Pork Candy Deliciousness!
This video footage has a very strange occurrence that happens near the end. My normal camera got a bit wet while filming outside, and as a result the footage looked like the lens was fogging up, or so I thought. So I switched to the camera on my phone.
To my surprise the footage from my phone was very strange as well. The footage looks like it is pulsating, and the audio sounded strange. Nothing that resembles normal video footage that I have ever recorded with my phone before, or since that night. My normal camera has worked perfectly even since. So two different cameras and yet similar results. Could this be something supernatural? A Ghostly Apparition? In any case these Party Ribs are Awesome! Give them a try, you won't be disappointed!

Baby Back Ribs
BBQ Rub of your choice
BBQ Sauce of your choice
Brown Sugar

Start by preparing the ribs by removing the membrane. Slice the Ribs individually. Season with the BBQ Rub of your choice. Allow to rest while you fire up your Smoker to 250 degrees.

Place the Ribs on the Smoker and smoke for around 45 minutes. After that if they look good flip them over and continue to smoke for 45 minutes or so. Once they look good and dark in color, and have reached an internal temperature of at least 160-165 degrees, remove them. Before taking them inside crank up your Smoker to 350 degrees.

Place the Ribs in a foil pan. Top with some BBQ Sauce, Butter and Honey. Sprinkle some Brown Sugar on Top. Stir and cover the pan with foil. Place back on smoker and cook for around an hour or so.

Remove the foil and stir the Ribs with the sauce in the pan. Smoke for a few more minutes uncovered until the Ribs caramelize. Remove and serve, enjoy!

To watch me cook this recipe step by step, and see the strange footage, simply watch my video below.